Baiba Rubīne ©

  1. Tie, kas zina, un tie, kas tic - nokļūst liesmā. No liesmas - Prātā, no Prāta - Vārdā, no Vārda - Saprātā, no Saprāta - Viedumā, no Vieduma - Spēkā. No Spēka upes kāds ļoti vecs gars tos aiznes uz noslēpumainu salu, kur nepazīst ne nāvi, ne dzimšanu, ne troksni, ne klusumu, kur Jēra goda krēsls ir Laika atspulgs miera sfērā.

    Those who know and those who believe get into the flame. From flame - into Mind, from Mind - into Word, from Word - into Reason, from Reason - into Wisdom, from Wisdom - into Power. From the River of Power, a very old spirit takes them to a mysterious island, where they know neither death, birth, noise, nor silence, where the Lamb's seat of honor is a reflection of Time in the realm of peace.